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Frankenmuth, MI
Frankenmuth Bible is a growing and engaging Church right in the heart of Christmas Country. (If you don't know, in Frankenmuth is Christmas year-round basically)
Land-locked and out of space, FBC had already done everything possible to make room for more. Looking to build on a new site, they were able to find an available bank/insurance building right downtown. In a true God-Story they were able to purchase the building.
Risepointe had to turn a bank, complete with vaults, multiple stories, and a strong Bavarian exterior into a place of community gathering.
Budget was tight, so a complete re-hab was out of the question. A new entrance into the main lobby area was created, and strong interior finishes and signage to help families navigate multiple levels for the kids. Creative kids solutions were used to make it feel fun and less institutional. A weird connector building was utilized for guest welcome and to create a sense of entry into the worship area.
Vaults had to be removed piece-by-piece but a unique worship area was established that seats almost 500 people.
Frankenmuth Bible continues to serve their community and their ideal location has allowed them to partner with area businesses and the city to use their lobby and cafe' to help host some of the amazing festivities in their town.
Frankenmuth Bible

project team
Risepointe /// Architect of Record
Blasius /// Contractor
Houseright /// AVLA Design
project info
29,286 S.F.
496 seats
Adaptive Reuse, Multi-Floor Solutions, Urban Development, Theatre Seats, Creative Solutions, Open Lobby, Designed for growth

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